Results of German Jugger League-Elections and rules revision

With a voter participation of 74%, the cities Jena, Homburg, Bochum, Halle, Greifswald and Berlin (two groups) have been elected to form the new council of the German Jugger League in 2015.

The Play-off-Finals will be held in Berlin, Rigor Mortis (TiB 1848 e. V.) got chosen by the slim majority of 54.8%. It was a close call, as the remaining 45,2% of the teams claimed their trust to the only other competitor, the VfL Rethwisch. It is for certain that both parties equally deserved to be the organizer of the finals and that both competitors are following the same agenda.

At last, the following representatives has been entrusted with the administration and maintenance of the rule book:

  • Aaron (Jugglers Jugg)
  • Johanna (Zonenkinder)
  • Tobi (Rigor Mortis)

Look at JTR for more information


Tobias D.

Die Förderung der Wahrnehmung, Anerkennung und Akzeptanz der Sportart Jugger stellt seit Ende 2005 einen wichtigen Teil meines Lebens dar. Als Geograph interessieren mich aus professioneller Sicht die Angebots-, Nachfrage- und Planungsstrukturen vom Jugger. Auf dem Fundament der deutschen Juggerliga, zahlreichen Juggerturnieren, Workshops und anderen Events fußt die Zukunft eines kreativen, innovativen Sports. Meiner Meinung nach hat Jugger das Potenzial, Millionen Menschen zu begeistern!!!

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